Profile Builder Pro (Unlimited Website)


Profile Builder Pro (Unlimited Website)


Create users profile easily with the WordPress Profile Builder plugin. The plugin provides features to build the users dashboard with easy drag & drop builder, add multiple end-points for the users dashboard, & allow users to upload custom avatar image. The users dashboard is designed with multiple layouts. The plugin also provides the custom login & registration forms on the dashboard for the guest users. Users can update their profile information on the dashboard on the frontend instead of the backend access.

Admin will receive the notification for user registration. For security purposes, you can set a minimum password length and enforce password strength. Allow users to choose user role at registration. The users can create, edit, delete or publish the blog posts from frontend.

The plugin also provides the custom login & registration forms on the dashboard for the guest users. Users can update their profile information on the dashboard on the frontend instead of the backend access. Profile Builder is simple to use with lightweight and can create any registration form. Besides, it is also useful for profile edit, change password, or log out.

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Create users profile easily with the WordPress Profile Builder plugin. The plugin provides features to build the users dashboard with easy drag & drop builder, add multiple end-points for the users dashboard, & allow users to upload custom avatar image. The users dashboard is designed with multiple layouts. The plugin also provides the custom login & registration forms on the dashboard for the guest users. Users can update their profile information on the dashboard on the frontend instead of the backend access.

Admin will receive the notification for user registration. For security purposes, you can set a minimum password length and enforce password strength. Allow users to choose user role at registration. The users can create, edit, delete or publish the blog posts from frontend.

The plugin also provides the custom login & registration forms on the dashboard for the guest users. Users can update their profile information on the dashboard on the frontend instead of the backend access. Profile Builder is simple to use with lightweight and can create any registration form. Besides, it is also useful for profile edit, change password, or log out.


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