Online Exam Plugin Premium (Unlimited Website)


Online Exam Plugin Premium (Unlimited Website)


Online Exam Plugin Premium allows you to create unlimited tests, quizzes and exams which you can customize and embed on any page using shortcodes provided.

The plugin comes with over a dozen options to allow you to customize your quizzes:

* Set a time limit and use a countdown clock to track time remaining
* Create unlimited questions and assign them to question categories
* Design tests with set numbers of questions chosen from specific categories
* Questions are selected randomly
* Each question can have up to 10 multiple choice answers
* Answer option order can be randomized
* Choose if users must be logged in to take a test
* Choose if each user can only take the test once
* Tests are saved when all questions have been answered, time runs out or if the user closes the browser window
* Style the countdown clock and set it to turn red as a warning time is running out
* Choose if test results should be shown when the quiz is complete
* Choose if users should see a message or be redirected when the quiz is complete or time runs out
* Choose who should be emailed to say a quiz has been taken
* Tests are marked automatically in wp-admin
* Download a CSV of all tests taken

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Online Exam Plugin Premium allows you to create unlimited tests, quizzes and exams which you can customize and embed on any page using shortcodes provided.

The plugin comes with over a dozen options to allow you to customize your quizzes:

* Set a time limit and use a countdown clock to track time remaining
* Create unlimited questions and assign them to question categories
* Design tests with set numbers of questions chosen from specific categories
* Questions are selected randomly
* Each question can have up to 10 multiple choice answers
* Answer option order can be randomized
* Choose if users must be logged in to take a test
* Choose if each user can only take the test once
* Tests are saved when all questions have been answered, time runs out or if the user closes the browser window
* Style the countdown clock and set it to turn red as a warning time is running out
* Choose if test results should be shown when the quiz is complete
* Choose if users should see a message or be redirected when the quiz is complete or time runs out
* Choose who should be emailed to say a quiz has been taken
* Tests are marked automatically in wp-admin
* Download a CSV of all tests taken


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