LoginPress Pro


LoginPress Pro


LoginPress Pro  – Rebranding your boring WordPress Login pages

LoginPress holds a lot of customization fields to change the layout of the login page of WordPress. You can modify the look and feel of login page completely even the login error messages, forgot error messages, registration error messages, forget password hint message and many more.
LoginPress Plugin would give you and your users a feeling that it is a custom login page and a part of the site layout.

LoginPress plugin is built using The Customizer API which is getting popular for live-previewing any changes to the layouts of WordPress. So, with LoginPress you can preview your login page changes instantly. This login customizer plugin is easy enough & required no coding skills. Just have options for each element on the login form and make a new customized login page within seconds.

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LoginPress Pro  – Rebranding your boring WordPress Login pages

LoginPress holds a lot of customization fields to change the layout of the login page of WordPress. You can modify the look and feel of login page completely even the login error messages, forgot error messages, registration error messages, forget password hint message and many more.
LoginPress Plugin would give you and your users a feeling that it is a custom login page and a part of the site layout.

LoginPress plugin is built using The Customizer API which is getting popular for live-previewing any changes to the layouts of WordPress. So, with LoginPress you can preview your login page changes instantly. This login customizer plugin is easy enough & required no coding skills. Just have options for each element on the login form and make a new customized login page within seconds.


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